Thursday, May 29, 2008

PLS-213: package STANDARD not accessible

Today when i was creating a new database ( using DBCA for CMS Production, i got error "PLS-213: package STANDARD not accessible". How to solve this problem?. Well there are few things that you have to check

1. Check standard.sql does exists under ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin
ora10g@bahamut:/home/ora10g/10.2/rdbms/admin> ls -arlt st*
-rw-r----- 1 ora10g dba 144274 Jun 30 2005 stdspec.sql
-rw-r----- 1 ora10g dba 19277 Jun 30 2005 stdbody.sql
-rw-r----- 1 ora10g dba 65 Jun 30 2005 standard.sql

2. Check that glogin.sql (ORACLE_HOME/sqlplus/admin) does not contain "set serveroutput on"

Here my problem was caused because serveroutput was set to on, after remove it for temporary then i can continue database creation through DBCA



Shunza said...

thank you! you just saved my life. I couldn't figure out what happened since my DBCA was working fine before, and it's a clean Oracle installation on a new server. I am almost tempted to uninstall the entire Oracle software and try again. Can't believe such small thing can have this huge impact. It's interesting why the "set serveroutput on" in glogin.sql can cause this error....I will never figure this out myself :(

Shaq said...

I commented shared_pool and shared_pool_reserver and issue is resolved.

Anonymous said...

Big thanks!!! You post really saved my life, I spent 3 hours for trouble shooting for database creation failure due this "set serveroutput on" in the file.
can not imagine how this will cause such kind failure.

oracle ebs said...

I faced the same problem while working on DBCA but I had no clue about it because of which my work suffered a lot. I tried the steps you mentioned in this post and my problem is solved. Thanks for the solution. Keep it up.